本光照培养箱内左右侧装有相应功率的光源,在外门两侧镶有保温性和透光性良好的特种玻璃,以减少光源入射光的热量传入但能满足室内样品所需光照度 ,同时便于观察。 温控采取集成运放线路 ,LED显示 ,并有限温保护。光照控制采用先进的智能时间程序控制仪自动控制。加热系统采用高性能加热元件。箱内气流循环选用微型轴流风机合理对流以达到箱内温度均匀。整机采用*工艺制造,内箱采用不锈钢板制成,外箱采用优质冷轧钢板制成,表面经喷塑处理,箱体造型美观大方。
SG-2501 series of small light incubator
SG-2501 series of small light incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
SG-2500I/JDigital display light illumination incubator
SG-2500I /J Digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
SG-2500G /HDigital display light illumination incubator
SG-2500G /H Digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
SG-2500E /F light illumination incubator
SG-2500E/F Digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
SG-2500C / D digital display light incubator
SG-2500C / D digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment,the structure use imported stainless steel liner,Insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
SG-2500A / B Digital display light illumination incubator
SG-2500A / B Digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection

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  • 刘先生



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